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Allover Academy Programs
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Allover Academy - Education/Training Overview

The 12-Hour Alcohol Education Program (AEP) offers several benefits, particularly for individuals convicted of alcohol-related offenses or those seeking education on alcohol use:
- Education and Awareness: Provides participants with comprehensive education about alcohol's effects on the body, the risks of alcohol abuse, and responsible drinking strategies.
- Legal Compliance: Completion may be required for individuals convicted of alcohol-related offenses (e.g., DUI), potentially reducing penalties.
- License Reinstatement: May be a prerequisite for reinstating a suspended or revoked driver’s license due to alcohol-related offenses.
- Personal Growth and Development: Addresses underlying alcohol issues with components like stress management, coping skills, and decision-making strategies.
- Insurance Benefits: Some insurers offer discounts for completing the program.
- Community Support: Provides access to a supportive community of peers working towards positive change in their alcohol-related behaviors.
Overall, the 12-Hour Alcohol Education Program helps individuals make informed decisions and reduce alcohol-related risks.
The Driver Improvement Program (DIP) offers multiple benefits:
- Point Reduction: Completing the program allows individuals to reduce up to 3 points on their driving record, potentially avoiding suspension.
- Insurance Discounts: May qualify participants for discounts on auto insurance.
- Court Mandates: May be required by courts as part of a sentence for traffic violations.
- Skill Enhancement: Covers safe driving practices, traffic laws, and defensive driving techniques.
- License Reinstatement: Helps individuals fulfill requirements for regaining their driving privileges.
- Avoiding Further Penalties: Prevents additional penalties for traffic violations by improving driving habits.
By completing the DIP, drivers can improve their driving record, reduce violations, and contribute to safer roadways.
The 3-Hour Alcohol and Drug Education Program offers the following benefits for out-of-country drivers:
- Understanding Local Laws: Helps drivers familiarize themselves with local alcohol and drug laws in Maryland.
- Safety Awareness: Increases awareness of the dangers of impaired driving and promotes safer roads.
- Avoiding Penalties: May reduce penalties or legal consequences for DUI/DWI offenses.
- Insurance Considerations: Participants may qualify for insurance discounts after completing the program.
- Community Responsibility: Demonstrates responsibility towards the local community by adhering to traffic laws.
Overall, this program equips out-of-country drivers with the knowledge and resources to make responsible driving decisions.
Allover Academy offers computer programming skills training, preparing students for the tech world and teaching conflict resolution skills. Join our Computer Programming Program to learn essential tech skills!
We offer ONLINE and In-Classroom Driver Improvement Program and issue certificates directly to the Maryland MVA after successful completion. We also offer In-Classroom Safe and Sober Program | 3-Hour Alcohol and Drug Education Program and DWI, DUI Alcohol Education Program.
We offer the CDC-recognized T2 Diabetes Prevention Program
Eligibility for our CDC-recognized program includes:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be overweight (BMI ≥24; ≥22 for Asian individuals)
- No previous type 1 or type 2 diabetes diagnosis
- Have a blood test result in the prediabetes range:
- Hemoglobin A1C: 5.7%–6.4%
- Fasting plasma glucose: 100–125 mg/dL
- Two-hour plasma glucose: 140–199 mg/dL

To register for any of our educational services, please click here to register.
For more information about our services, please call us at 443-759-8827 ext. 1 or email us at info@alloverhealthcaregroup.com.